


Let's Get Cookin'

Let Me Introduce Myself:

What's up, everybody!  Welcome to The Neighbors Kitchen (currently under construction, so PLEASE pardon my crumbs!) Danny here, also known as "Neighbor." I love to cook, and not just one style. As the desire to share my food grew it developed into a passion to teach and then evolved into starting a YouTube channel and this website. I am so excited to share with you my favorite recipes, cooking methods, and so much more. This is not a diet or nutrition channel, it is dedicated to inspiring you to cook at home for your friends and family. BUT consider yourself warned! Being here may put you at risk of becoming hungry until you try what you see. I encourage you to check out my channel and return here frequently as the site continues to grow.

Currently the best way to support me is by subscribing to my YouTube Channel.

Thank you!

My Commitment To You:

Currently if you explore my website, you will notice that there isn't a lot of content - but we all have to start somewhere. My goal is to provide you with a space you can come to that has free printable recipes, articles and videos of tricks and tips, all for free. It is my sincere goal to offer you recipes and eventually merchandise, but without burdonsome ad space. I appreciate you so much for being here with me, if you are currently here YOU are part of my origin. Until next time, be well.










The good stuff is yet to come!